After a lull in finding interesting articles from yester-year I decided to type in my hometown of Tustin, Orange County, California, wondering what a first utterance of my hometown in the New York Times might be: oranges, sure.
"On Jan 22, 1878, two of the new oranges were cut open and critically tasted by a little company of orange growers at Riverside. A new star of first magnitude rose that day in the horticultural firmament."
However I didn't anticipate learning the name of the man who brought oranges to Orange County, Luther C. Tibbets, nor did I realize that the seedless Navel Orange was the source of the southern Californian Orange-rush and that while people came in droves, and made fortunes, Tibbets himself died penniless.
"Mr. Tibbets reasoned that the first trees came from the Government at Washington, and that therefore they belonged to the public."
Luther C. Tibbets: Orange County's first liberal.
this post receives a gold star.
we need to make Luther C. Tibbets a wiki entry. put that on the to-do list.
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